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The intention of this page is to hold answers to frequently (and no so frequently) asked questions as well as some random data spread among developers' heads ;-)

  • Q: Why CRIU dumps parts of read-only mappings that map the code section of a binary? For instance, there is a mapping at, say 0x400000, that maps the code of /usr/bin/something. After dump there will be at least a page at 0x400000 in the pagemap
  • A: The code section may have been COWed, for instance during dynamic load of the shared libraries.

  • Q: Why my test cannot do privileged operation, though I run zdtm.py as root?
  • A: That's because zdtm.py runs all sub-tests from non-existing non-root user. If you need root prio in your sub-test add 'flags': 'suid' into test's .desc file.

  • Q: Is it possible to do live migration from one server to another with changing the IP address?
  • A: Quick answer is -- if breaking the connections is OK, then yes. In details it's described in this article.
  • Q: Why does dump fail with "Cannot dump half of a stream unix connection" message in logs?
  • A: There are configurations when C/R fails. This particular error is about external UNIX socket.